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Have dog. Will travel.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pack it in mothballs.

So I took the advice of a certain mother I know and put mothballs around the garden beds.  They might be keeping the rodents out...maybe.  I can tell you what they are doing...
They are making my garden stink to high heaven!  I have to practically stick my face into my tomato plants to smell them over the stink of those darn things.
They may also be attracting birds.  There are few creatures on Earth I despise more than birds...and now they are scattering mothballs (seriously - I've found them on the ground around the garden boxes and all around the plants where they hadn't been before), and sitting in my tomato plants!!  I couldn't believe it when I saw I don't know how many birds take off out of my garden bed - out of my tomato plants!  I told the guy at Lowe's I would prefer to kill the birds, but that I was willing to settle for scaring them away.  He politely told me they didn't carry anything for killing birds.  I said I'd have to hire a neighborhood kid with a b.b. gun.  They didn't really have anything that would work for my needs.  A friend suggested I make a scarecrow.  My luck it would be like "The Wizard of Oz" and the birds would just sit on the scarecrow, too.  So, I thought maybe having a noise-maker there would make it less attractive to birds...and a butterfly wind chime might be a nice addition to the garden.  ...I might make a scarecrow just for the heck of it, though.  lol

Zucchini plants "packed" in mothballs.

My new pretty butterfly chime...a.k.a. bird deterrent.

Two things to note: 1) mothballs everywhere, 2) huge tomato plants!

You know I will let you know if the chimes help.  Ideally I'd have Samson in the backyard during the day to chase them off, but that darn dog would likely jump the fence to chase a squirrel instead.  *rolls eyes*

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