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Have dog. Will travel.

Monday, June 25, 2012

A Musical Moment

Ever have one of those moments where whatever music you were playing, singing, or listening to hits you just right?  You get goosebumps.  It fills your head and your heart and you're just so in the moment you can't possibly be pulled from it.  It's a spiritual musical moment.  I had one of those Sunday in church.  It was the last hymn of the traditional service - "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" - Martin Luther - a Lutheran hymn to beat all Lutheran hymns.  I like it anyway and so often we only sing it on Reformation Sunday.  Well, we sang it this Sunday.  First verse had vocals, trumpet, and violin all on melody.  Second verse was vocals in two parts with a violin descant.  Third verse was vocals in two parts and violin on melody.  The last verse - oh, I loved it - was vocals on melody, and the trumpet and violin played a descant.  Of course the organ was blasting away the whole while as well.  It was wonderful!  Powerful!  The words matched the message perfectly and the music filled the sanctuary, and I was blessed to be a part of it and I got goosebumps while we were singing/playing.  I was uplifted and left on a church music high.  That's the way it's supposed to be.  And it's not that we were each perfect necessarily; it's more like we were each and every one in that place so fully in the moment that it just became huge and filled the building to bursting...or that's how it felt to me.  I wish there were more moments like that in life.  Imagine how much more positive we'd all be if we all had moments so filling!

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