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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days when I wish I had a partner in crime.  I have had no energy for anything today.  (In case you were wondering, both girls were off visiting relatives.)  It was all I could do to get up and make myself something to eat.  Part of that is due to the extreme stress happening at work.  Part of it is the fibromyalgia.  Sometimes I do get so, so tired that it is difficult to do much besides sit in the recliner.  But, I generally manage to force myself into movement for the necessary things - bathroom, food if I must, the girls coming home and/or leaving again, putting another DVD in the machine...That takes some effort, but it's closer than the kitchen, so it's easier than a meal to make happen.

It would have been nice for there to be someone else to do things like driving and cooking and then just being company while I watch movies and fall asleep and have to rewind and figure out what I missed.  Boring?  Possibly.  I wonder what it would be like.

...And maybe remind me I need to go to bed.  Daylight savings tomorrow and I have to get up for church and singing.  I should have drug my tired body to bed long ago.

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