Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

27 days

So, last night I learned one of the more obscure benefits of being in an online class. That is: you won't end up going to jail for killing your teammates because you never come in any kind of personal contact with them. I have a B right now because I apparently have been doing my papers wrong all this time and no one told me. I spent too much time trying to drag work out of people for our team project due by last night. So, my individual project didn't get done...not that it was working anyway.

Seems like every day I find errands I have to run. I know I have chores to do. And there are things to do in preparation for moving. I keep thinking of things I can throw out or donate -- which is good! Some of them I just wish I'd thought of it sooner. :p

Meanwhile, I think my system is finally adjusting to the medicine. I'm not feeling as tired and woozy after taking my medicine in the morning. That is good.

I've been asked (more like begged and pleaded with) to stop by choir rehearsal tonight about 8:00 so the choir has a chance to chat and whatnot. I haven't really given them the chance before now. I asked Lyndsay to tell them not to inundate me with "we'll miss you" and the like at church on Ash Wednesday and they were very good about it. We'll see how tough I can be tonight or if I'll get all sobby on them.

Well I need to go get ready to pay my electric bill and put money on our electricity monitoring machine thingy (which is really cool, by the way). And buy milk...and fill the water jugs...and probably other stuff I am forgetting and will have to go do later.

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