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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

23 Days

I think that movie "23" is on the Netflix list...or did I already watch it...I don't remember. Not important!

What is important is that my current teacher is proving to be cooler than I first anticipated. She gave me a B on last week's completely botched individual assignment. So, I have an 88.53% for the class so far. Phew! It's still a B, but it's high enough I can probably get it to an A before the class is done in 3 more weeks.
Also important is that I'm logging off class for today because I'm being a smart ass and getting people all fired up about stuff they think I think. I will inevitably get myself in trouble if I don't stop. Besides which everyone is getting way off topic. If they were all literate and not so easily set off...I think I've now offended both my teammates without trying because they can't read and be objective at the same time. (Hope they don't try chewing gum and walking!) One gal probably thinks I'm prejudiced and the other probably thinks I'm a naive (or ignorant) little optimist in denial while everyone suffers...and tonight I wrote a post about "can't we all just get along" and another one basically saying "hey, sister! at least you have a job! quit your whining!" I'm really disturbingly excited to hear what they (and/or others) will have to say.

Some pain is less today than it was yesterday. Other pain is not.
It's 7:00 and I have no idea what to do with myself for the rest of the evening. I suppose I should go to bed early so I will wake up for church in the morning. Where's the fun in that!?

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