Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

1-0 Days

Thought I'd take a few minutes to update this. It's been a handful of days. Things have been going fast and furious these last several days. Necessary evil. :p

There are boxes everywhere. And stuff sitting out so we don't forget it (with any luck). Mom, Dad and I are going to early morning church. Then we'll be packing fools for a couple hours before picking up the truck...or something like that. We are trying to have a plan! :)

Time to fix my make-up and get to the car. See you all in Nebraska!! (Woo. That's kinda' startling to say!)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

6 Days

Going with 6 days since it's pretty late...

I'm exhausted. I packed some more, but you can't tell by looking. I wrote a paper and edited an annotated bibliography. Samson was a crazy dog when my friend Leo came over. That didn't help with my energy level. I should have taken a nap earlier.

However! I wrote the whole paper today which was a throw back to my undergrad days. (But don't tell my profs that! ;) Mom and Dad will be here in a day and some day and 8 hours...32 hours...putting it in hours makes it seem like just minutes!! :p

I'm staying up really late again to keep track of my team's homework. One of my team members had a death in the family. I can understand it really makes things difficult. What I don't understand is why I was able to do homework on the drive to Nebraska and once I was there, but she wasn't able to do anything at all this whole week. It was her uncle and she didn't have to travel, but she says everyone is coming to her house. I'm trying to be sympathetic, but I'm way too cranky today I think.
So, I am the one who gets to explain it all to our professor. I think we are okay with just what myself and the other gal did, but I guess we'll find out. At least we can say it wasn't our fault if something is lacking. I suppose not everyone thinks like I do...I'm kinda' different. It's part of what makes me special! :)

Oy! There is so much to do! I think I'd lie awake tonight (if I ever get to go to bed) if I wasn't so darned exhausted! Oh, and did I mention I'm tired? lol :p

Monday, March 23, 2009

7 Days

I'm going to go with 7 days since today is practically over and we're supposed to leave in the morning on the 30th. Come to think of Nebraska (and East of that yet) it already is tomorrow! :)

One week. Sounds like no time at all. I'll be glad when all this stuff is done. I'm tired and stressed and anxious. I'm looking forward to sleeping without first dwelling on the packing I have to do and other things that have to happen. I'm positive I'm forgetting one thing after another. With any luck Mom and/or Dad will be able to do a substantial amount of thinking for me as I'm sure my brain will resemble melted jello by the time they get here in 2 days!

Alfred Hitchcock is playing on the TV in my room, Samson is lying on the floor near the door and I have papers in on and around my desk to sort before I go to bed so I can at least say I did something today besides go to church. Far too much time was spent on homework about which I'm apparently the only one who cares. I'm going to get my medicine and a couple Thin Mints (girl scout cookies rock!) and put the critters in lock down with me for the night.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

9 Days

Oy! Single digits! This is crazy!

Today was my last time singing at church. I cried. I cry just thinking about it! I'm such an easy crier, though. It was so fun! These ladies are amazing. I think Christ's Greenfield only has amazing ladies. Must be a Lutheran thing. ;p And everyone is so beautiful! I need to share our picture...

So, this is who we are looking at: (front L-R) Rena, Me, Mali, (back L-R) Kristi, Rose, Molly, Janie. Aren't they gorgeous! :) I miss them already and I still get to see them a few more times before I leave. I just don't get to sing with them anymore! :(
There are other folks from church I've sung with as well. I'll have to get more pictures and put them up here...Oh! Like the picture of the choir we took a few weeks ago...which I can't seem to get in here going the right direction. It keeps turning it sideways even though it's not in the computer that way. Weird.

Well, I've done what I can for my homework for now. I've done no packing yet today and my dog is trying to get my attention. Now would be a good time to get something pack more books. People tell me I have an inordinate amount of those. Shouldn't everyone? ;)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

10.5 Days

Never saw that movie...something about an earthquake that destroyed the world...anyway...

Technically it's less than even 10 and a half days, but I'm feeling rushed enough without counting down the hours and minutes on top of it.

It's crazy trying to pack and do homework at the same time. Add any other obligations or errands or activities and suddenly I've a full day's work. Guess it's a good thing I'm without work to begin with! :p

I'm getting excited about Mom & Dad coming in just 6 days. I may have said that in a previous post...guess that makes it the truth! :)

Okay, I really need to go pack some more books. Getting closer! :-D

11 Days

By the time I post this it will be the 19th, so 11 days it is.
I wouldn't even be writing this so late if I hadn't stumbled upon this while I was looking for something else. You know me and music (especially church musicians), so I had to check this story out. You think you've had it rough?! I recommend you check it out, too! It's amazing!

I was trying to work on homework, but doing a lousy job of it. I got home from church with the intent of doing all sorts of things and have really not accomplished a one of them...with the exception of some laundry and running the dishwasher I forgot to run before I left for church.

Oh, yeah! I was going to share a picture with y'all! Maybe some of you have seen me with my hair down lately, but most of you probably haven't seen me at all let alone seen my hair. I tend to wear it up a lot and when it's down I can't generally see the back so I had Andrew take a picture of me. He's right. I do resemble Cousin It from Addam's Family a bit...

Well, there you go. 12:10. Nighty-night! :)

Monday, March 16, 2009

14 Days

2 weeks...that is such a small number...1 week will be smaller, definitely, but 2 is small, too!

I should soon have everything packed I don't use relatively daily or will use over the next few days (clothes, dishes, etc). I might be out of boxes in the next day or so. That would be good in a way because that would mean I was actually accomplishing something.

Samson looks so bored. I should take him for a walk. Or, I should take advantage of his lethargy and take a nap myself. This sounds even better. :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

15 Days

14 Days until loading the truck...15 until leaving...Mom and Dad come in 10 days...time flies when one is having so much fun. :p

My grade is back up to an A- due to a perfect score for week 3. I think there's no reason to not get the same for this week, but I haven't checked in yet today, so...and there's an individual project due and I haven't received full points for that type of assignment yet in this course, so we'll see...Speaking of school, I should get that stuff done so I can spend the rest of the day packing.

I feel bad I didn't go to church this part because I didn't (and don't) feel good. (Lots of sharp pangs around my belly button -- I think it's trying to mutiny.) But, honestly, I am so exhausted just the thought of the effort it would take to get ready for church halted me in my tracks. That's bad, I think. Well, it's not like I don't have things to do...guess I'll go do them! ;)

Friday, March 13, 2009

17 Days

Oh man! I have so much packing to do! The house is full of boxes that aren't full yet! :p

My wonderful friends Claudia, Seth, Lorenzo, Benjamin and Isaac came to visit me yesterday. It was great! The boys drew beautiful pictures for me.
I have to share these beautiful people with my readers...I've been working on homework and actually getting it done early for a change. It is nice to not be up at 11:30 trying to read and respond to posts. It's harder to not be a smart a**! :p

Speaking of homework...I think I'll call it done for today. I was going to work on the individual assignment due Monday, but maybe I'll save that for tomorrow morning. I need to run to the store and I need to get more packing done (among other projects).

And there are strange noises coming from the other room. I think the critters are getting into things.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

19 Days!?

How did that happen!? What is it about numbers that once it's lower than, say 20, suddenly it's such a small number? It's only a value of one different, but it seems like such a huge one!

I'm not working on school stuff right now, so I should be cleaning and packing.

Just for kicks...lunch...cheesy peas! :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

21 Days

Wow! 3 Weeks. That sounds a lot shorter than 21 days.

Guess I should be packing instead of writing.

I wonder how many people actually read this...

Sunday, March 8, 2009

22 Days

I started packing up some books and movies today. There is so much to do! Trying to pick which books to keep with me and which to put in storage can be difficult in some cases. I'll have to put them in the bookcase I'm not putting in storage and see how everything fits and figure it out that way...that's actually a pretty good idea.

Samson seems to want to help, but I'm not sure how much help he would be since he seems to like chewing on the box under my desk and otherwise is afraid to go near them when his toys accidentally get behind or inside one.

The choir at church offered to fly me back here for Holy Week. I have no idea what to do. It's an amazingly sweet offer and I would love to sing with them...only one week for recovering from all that's going on at the end of March, though? Tough to do...tough to decide...

We're having lasagna for dinner tonight. I'm trying to use up the lasagna noodles I have in the cupboard.

My learning team for class still sucks. No one has posted anything since yesterday and that was just to say she would post her portion today and there's still nothing. I'm starting to freak out about this assignment. I'm afraid it won't be done. I'm trying to get my grade back up and they are making it quite difficult. At least the instructor is aware of the problems and we get to post our first team review this week.

So much pain today! I think I need a nap. I'm cranky!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

23 Days

I think that movie "23" is on the Netflix list...or did I already watch it...I don't remember. Not important!

What is important is that my current teacher is proving to be cooler than I first anticipated. She gave me a B on last week's completely botched individual assignment. So, I have an 88.53% for the class so far. Phew! It's still a B, but it's high enough I can probably get it to an A before the class is done in 3 more weeks.
Also important is that I'm logging off class for today because I'm being a smart ass and getting people all fired up about stuff they think I think. I will inevitably get myself in trouble if I don't stop. Besides which everyone is getting way off topic. If they were all literate and not so easily set off...I think I've now offended both my teammates without trying because they can't read and be objective at the same time. (Hope they don't try chewing gum and walking!) One gal probably thinks I'm prejudiced and the other probably thinks I'm a naive (or ignorant) little optimist in denial while everyone suffers...and tonight I wrote a post about "can't we all just get along" and another one basically saying "hey, sister! at least you have a job! quit your whining!" I'm really disturbingly excited to hear what they (and/or others) will have to say.

Some pain is less today than it was yesterday. Other pain is not.
It's 7:00 and I have no idea what to do with myself for the rest of the evening. I suppose I should go to bed early so I will wake up for church in the morning. Where's the fun in that!?

Friday, March 6, 2009

24 Days

Today has been rough. Health stuff. Homework stuff. House stuff...I hereby declare the alphabet has only 25 letters instead of 26. It will now go: ABCDEFG...[NO H]...IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.

There's so much to do...I'm totally overwhelmed. I made myself a list, but all I seem able to do is read it. A shame that doesn't equate to actually accomplishing anything.

Yes, I am whiny today. I'm also tired and have rehearsal in the morning. Time to shower and go to bed.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

27 days

So, last night I learned one of the more obscure benefits of being in an online class. That is: you won't end up going to jail for killing your teammates because you never come in any kind of personal contact with them. I have a B right now because I apparently have been doing my papers wrong all this time and no one told me. I spent too much time trying to drag work out of people for our team project due by last night. So, my individual project didn't get done...not that it was working anyway.

Seems like every day I find errands I have to run. I know I have chores to do. And there are things to do in preparation for moving. I keep thinking of things I can throw out or donate -- which is good! Some of them I just wish I'd thought of it sooner. :p

Meanwhile, I think my system is finally adjusting to the medicine. I'm not feeling as tired and woozy after taking my medicine in the morning. That is good.

I've been asked (more like begged and pleaded with) to stop by choir rehearsal tonight about 8:00 so the choir has a chance to chat and whatnot. I haven't really given them the chance before now. I asked Lyndsay to tell them not to inundate me with "we'll miss you" and the like at church on Ash Wednesday and they were very good about it. We'll see how tough I can be tonight or if I'll get all sobby on them.

Well I need to go get ready to pay my electric bill and put money on our electricity monitoring machine thingy (which is really cool, by the way). And buy milk...and fill the water jugs...and probably other stuff I am forgetting and will have to go do later.

Monday, March 2, 2009

28 days and counting

There's a movie called "28 Days". Never saw it. Don't really care to. Anyhoo...

I feel like I've been doing homework for 3 days straight. And I don't like it. The projects due today are just not coming together the way I think it should. I am dealing with very un-participatory team members (there's only 3 of us). I hate it when it comes down to the wire. I tried to get them to start earlier, but no one did anything until last night. I think one gal expects me to take the stuff from her post and add it to our document. She'd better figure out that's not how this works. I don't want an ugly grade because she couldn't do her work right. I'm looking forward to giving her a very low score on the team eval we have to do at the end of the class.

And, while I'm babysitting my teammates (using the term loosely) I have my individual project to work on and it sucks. I don't get it and I'm pretty sure I'm going to fall on my nose again. This teacher loves my discussion posts but doesn't seem to think to highly of my ability to use APA style. I don't blame her, but the last class I never got marked down for it, so maybe she's just pickier.

I think my body is getting used to the new medicine, but not sure. I'm not as tired at least, but still get kinda' that "medicine head" that usually goes with cold medicine.

I am supposed to be getting ready to go to my meeting with my Thrivent guy. I'll be driving back and forth and back and forth between Tempe and Gilbert. Better put fuel in the car, I guess.