Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

It's been a crazy couple days.

So I've had my foster care license for over two years now, but no placements and only a handful of visits a couple years ago...until yesterday.  I officially became a foster parent last night after only a couple hours notice - which is not how anyone wanted it to go, but that's what went down.  Today we did a little shopping, met a friend and spent time watching TV after school and work.  Tomorrow and Friday I will be working from home as it is Fall Break time.  It's been years since I spent real time with a real pre-teen.  Two words: learning curve.  But I think we'll be okay.  Meanwhile, I pray she gets to be reunited with her family.  It's sad so many kiddos go through such scary things as this.

But the craziness doesn't end there.  The same day I got the placement call, I heard from the bank that my refinancing and loan for doing work in the basement is finally closing...on Friday...this week.  Wait.  What?  We went from silence to closing in how fast?!  Uh...okay.  But the banker I've been working with will be traveling, so I have to meet with someone else to go over the paperwork.  Great.

Add a work get-together-thing tomorrow night, baby shower in Omaha this coming Sunday, and last week I was in CO for work (which went well) getting back late Friday and then had my nieces over the weekend (which was cool).  And those are only the highlights.  But I miss my Samson boy and don't feel like I've had more than five minutes to breathe for the last two weeks or so.

I need to stop on the computer now because I did something to my elbow today that has made it hurt more than it has a long time.  What did I do?  I sat down.  How, you might say, do you manage to hurt your elbow while sitting down?  I'm not real sure.  I think I was just slowing my descent and maybe I twisted my arm funny?  No idea.  Really, really hoping the chiropractor can lend some valuable assistance tomorrow or the massage therapist the day after that.

It's supposed to freeze tomorrow night.  I'll have to cover the part of the garden that's still producing.

Have I mentioned it's been a crazy couple of days?

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