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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

First Day

How did you spend your first day of 2015?

I slept (more or less) until 9:30.  Haven't done that in a while.  (Not sure how well it counts as sleeping in when I didn't go to bed until about 1:30 anyway.)  I cleaned a little...probably should have or at least could have done more.  I watched some TV, took a nap, watched more TV, thought about taking another nap but didn't, and I intend to watch some movies tonight.  I might eat some soup.  I probably won't get anymore cleaning done.

Samson went in and out and in and out and somehow managed to track mud all through the kitchen and dining room.  I have no idea how he got muddy feet.  I mean, really!  It's been so cold, how could the ground be anything but frozen?!  Best guess is he had wet-with-snow feet and managed to mix that type of wet feet with the dirtiness of the steps outside the back door.  However he did it, I have dog prints all over those two rooms.  When he's not been outside, he's been napping, too.

I suppose I could have put away some of the Christmas decorations, done more than five dishes, put away more than the little bit of laundry I hung up, and a million other things on my to do lists.  (Yes, lists - plural - I have more than one).  Just haven't felt like I have the energy.  Since worship team is rehearsing tomorrow evening instead of Saturday morning, I have rationalized my half-assed attempt at getting anything done today with the idea that I can do more or even finish some things on Saturday.  We'll see how that goes.

That said...time to put in a movie.

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