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Have dog. Will travel.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Waiting sucks. Sometimes it's okay because you can kill the time in nice ways while you wait or something, but in general I think, waiting sucks.  Of course we live in an instant gratification society.  We expect everything to happen when we want it and how we want it.  (Was it Burger King who bragged it makes it your way?)  But there must be more to it than that.  I mean, there's waiting I don't mind.  I garden.  There's plenty of waiting involved there.  I don't expect the plants to produce immediately.  Doesn't mean I'm not excitedly watching, but it's not the kind of waiting that annoys the heck out of me.  So it's not like the fast food mentality affects how I watch my garden grow.  But!  The waiting that sucks is when one is waiting for the other shoe to drop.  You know something is about to get worse, but don't know when "about" is actually going to happen and so you wait...and wait...and...really?  Wait more?  Or what about when something really awesome is going to happen.  You know it's coming and it can't get here fast enough and...OMG...more waiting?!  And then there's the waiting when you don't know what the end result will be.  That surely is the worst.  You want to be excited and hopeful...and yet, do you really want set yourself up for feeling disappointed if it doesn't turn out the way you hope?  Hmm...I bet Samson doesn't think about these things while he waits for me to come home from work.

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