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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Medical Update

I have had a lot of tests done lately. Some of the results have finally come in. I wish I had had these done sooner. The results I was given tonight were food sensitivities and allergies. There are three things to which my body is sensitive: hemp, teff, and cow's milk. The doctor says I should be able to, after 3-6 months of abstinence, gradually work those back in or at least be able to tolerate them better. There are four foods which I need to cut out 100%: amaranth, coffee, sesame, and tapioca. That last one he says will be the difficult one to remove because it is used in so many things as a thickener.

I am so glad to finally have a start getting this health "stuff" under control. I'm so sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. Hopefully getting rid of these things from my diet will be a good start.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Stupid technical difficulties!

I'm so disappointed with right now.  I wanted to spend my evening last night during the election coverage getting my blog updated.  But I couldn't get any pictures to upload and I had to keep refreshing the screen...and it's still doing it.  I'm so frustrated!  So I apologize to everyone who was waiting for pictures of Dad's birthday party.  I really wanted to get them posted yesterday and now it won't be until probably Saturday.

Monday, November 5, 2012


Tomorrow is Election Day. (Yes, with a capital "E.") If you don't vote, you may not complain about the result. I hope those who didn't vote four years ago have been quietly waiting and learning their lesson until they can cast their vote this year.

I am going to go stand in line tomorrow to be among the first to vote in Nebraska. I want to spend the day with my "I voted" sticker worn proudly on my chest. I'm also going to have FNC (FoxNews Channel) playing at work all day long.

It is our civic duty to vote - a solemn right and freedom. It is also something not to be taken for granted. The United States is still the "Noble Experiment." We are unique. It is the job of every citizen to be engaged in our politics - in the election of our governing leaders. It is the gift our founding fathers left us - a nation led by the people and for the people.

So, I urge you: VOTE! Don't take your freedom for granted.