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Have dog. Will travel.

Monday, May 28, 2012

The Challenges of Single Life

It's hard living by oneself.  I could make a long, long list of things that are just...challenging or missing...I'm not sure what the word is I'm looking for to describe it.  Maybe there is no one good word.

  • There's no one to help decide what to make for dinner.
  • There's no one to help with chores around the house or outside.
  • There's no one to talk to about the day, how it went, or what needs to be done...except oneself which is a little crazy.
  • There's no one to help decide what movie or TV show to watch.
  • There's no one to help eat whatever is finally made for dinner so you don't overeat.  It's hard to make a meal for one.
  • There's no one else to drive when you just don't feel like it.
  • There's no one else to push the cart at the grocery store or Lowe's when it starts to get too heavy to steer.
  • There's no one else to help pay bills or for the groceries, et cetera.

And I could go on.
Of course, there are some nice things about it just being me.

  • I get to eat what I want (when I know what that is).
  • The chores (when they get done) are done my way.
  • I get to watch whatever I want (when I know what that is and the cable box is working *mad face at the cable box*).
  • I don't have to share the meal when it's something I really like, and no one can finish it without offering me any of the last portion.

I would say there are no arguments, but I don't always agree with myself, so I can't honestly say there are no disagreements.  And Samson doesn't always behave and never helps with chores.  He is adorable and is happy to see me (unless he's in trouble for standing in the strawberry bed or jumping out of the yard), but he's not much of a conversationalist.

Well, darn.  I've forgotten to eat lunch.  I suppose that's another one.  No one to remind me it's lunchtime.

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