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Have dog. Will travel.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Don't talk about what at work?!
So today at work I got into a long and rather amusing conversation with a liberal-liberal atheist about gay rights. I'm not sure how it started, but both of us being natural-born debaters and cheeky little cusses, it was pretty entertaining and certainly not for the easily offended. I'll give you a couple of the highlights.
At one point...
Corrine: Everyone needs to put on her big girl panties or his big boy under-roos and get over themselves.
Okay. So I have this bizarre notion that members of the world (that would be everyone) needs to knock off the selfish behavior and we should all be above and beyond any kind of discrimination. Also, "right to work" works for me. If someone is going to not hire or will fire you for any arbitrary or discriminatory reason, then you probably wouldn't want to work there anyway. And if we are going to talk about making things fair, then I would like smart blond women to become a protected class so I can sue people who think I'm stupid because I'm blond and female. While we're at it, I should also get paid the same as a man in an equivalent position regardless of my qualifications. *rolls eyes*
Much later...
Atheist Co-worker: ...God made "them" that way...
Um..."God made..." is not an argument that should be exiting the mouth of an atheist. But it was a "devil's advocate" moment, so it made for a good laugh and an even more interesting conversation.
Of course we didn't solve any of the world's selfishness problems nor did we come to any real agreement except for that it would be nice if we could just all get along without needing legislation to tell us to or how.
One more thing...
...about being single that sucks - no sex. There, friend you know who you are, I added it to the list. :-p
Monday, May 28, 2012
Today's Little Project
The only outside yard thing I've done today (at least to this point, though I don't expect I'll be motivated to do anything more) was to remove a random row of bricks from the front yard. I think they once were to be a part of the flowerbed along the front of the house - although this particular group of bricks were around the corner on the side of the house - with some more rose bushes (like those in front) that had been chopped down and were growing back, but that I don't want there anyway.
Random row of bricks |
And then there were none - no goofy rose bushes either. |
The Challenges of Single Life
It's hard living by oneself. I could make a long, long list of things that are just...challenging or missing...I'm not sure what the word is I'm looking for to describe it. Maybe there is no one good word.
And I could go on.
Of course, there are some nice things about it just being me.
I would say there are no arguments, but I don't always agree with myself, so I can't honestly say there are no disagreements. And Samson doesn't always behave and never helps with chores. He is adorable and is happy to see me (unless he's in trouble for standing in the strawberry bed or jumping out of the yard), but he's not much of a conversationalist.
Well, darn. I've forgotten to eat lunch. I suppose that's another one. No one to remind me it's lunchtime.
- There's no one to help decide what to make for dinner.
- There's no one to help with chores around the house or outside.
- There's no one to talk to about the day, how it went, or what needs to be done...except oneself which is a little crazy.
- There's no one to help decide what movie or TV show to watch.
- There's no one to help eat whatever is finally made for dinner so you don't overeat. It's hard to make a meal for one.
- There's no one else to drive when you just don't feel like it.
- There's no one else to push the cart at the grocery store or Lowe's when it starts to get too heavy to steer.
- There's no one else to help pay bills or for the groceries, et cetera.
And I could go on.
Of course, there are some nice things about it just being me.
- I get to eat what I want (when I know what that is).
- The chores (when they get done) are done my way.
- I get to watch whatever I want (when I know what that is and the cable box is working *mad face at the cable box*).
- I don't have to share the meal when it's something I really like, and no one can finish it without offering me any of the last portion.
I would say there are no arguments, but I don't always agree with myself, so I can't honestly say there are no disagreements. And Samson doesn't always behave and never helps with chores. He is adorable and is happy to see me (unless he's in trouble for standing in the strawberry bed or jumping out of the yard), but he's not much of a conversationalist.
Well, darn. I've forgotten to eat lunch. I suppose that's another one. No one to remind me it's lunchtime.
Another Picture
Just posted another picture - "Like Father, Like Son." By the way, I forgot to mention these pictures are under the category "Life: Rural."
So Far, So Good
I am so so so excited to have a garden! (Can you tell?) So excited in fact, I now feel the need to share pictures of burgeoning vegetables and fruit. This will likely happen a lot. :-)
Okay, so neither a vegetable nor a fruit, but I am excited because this is the first new leaf since I got the plant last fall. |
Big cherry tomato |
Wouldn't you like to be a pepper too? |
Grover: Crunchy things like bananas. Kermit: Like carrots. |
Blueberries!! |
The first of the zucchini plants. |
All three cucumber plants appeared at the same time. |
Vote for my pic!
Go to and vote for the picture I just posted of Nikki and Ivy "Doing Chores." I will likely submit more photos in this contest and a friend of mine hopefully will too as he takes far better pictures than I, and potentially Sandra will be in some. I don't necessarily expect to win (and therefore be published - no cash prizes), but it never hurts to try and it's kind of fun. :)
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Garden/Yard Work Happens
A lot of work has happened in the garden and yard since the last time I posted anything about it. The garden is more or less done. I'm going to set aside some before pictures for when the afters are ready. Meanwhile, here's what has been going on.
Planting onions |
This one's done! Tomatoes, a pepper plant, onions, and carrots...the whole stew except the meat! LOL |
Thank God for friends with lawn mowers! |
Putting the new trimmer to good use. |
Hey, Mom! There are a lot of stinky weeds here! |
And then there were none. |
4th Annual Mother's Day Picnic
More fun at the farm on May 12th
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Playing Outside
Tomorrow is Mother's Day and today we have gathered at the farm to hang out and help Mom make the food for our 4th Annual Mother's Day Picnic. (No, that is not fair, but at least this way we know the food will be good.)
We have also taken time to play today...after Nikki and Ivy did some of the chores...
Good thing the legislation to limit child labor on farms was dropped. |
I think they dig playing in the sand. (buh-dum-bum-ching) |
Okay, Grandma. It's my turn. |
Jesus may walk on water, but my mom walks on air. |
And good times were had by all. |
Jon the Computer Guy
Yea for clever friends from church! My laptop has issues and was not playing nice with my printer. Jon gets a hold of them and things are magically working. The printer and laptop are playing nice again. And my laptop, which used to hum loud enough to give a person a headache, now is at closer to a soft murmur. It took getting a good look at the inside of it, though. I'd never seen laptop gutts before. Was pretty interesting! :)
Corrine: "So this is what the inside of my laptop looks like!" Justin: "The inside of your laptop looks like a goofy looking long haired techie?!" Nice. |
Just from whence are your mystical computer-fixing powers derived, Jon? ;-p |
Hmm...where does this piece go? Just kidding. I have an amature "how to" video from the internet I can use as a reference. |
Everything worked out and the laptop is in once piece again (with none left over, I might add)...there are some lights that seem to not be lit...hmm...
Concordia's Graduation
Last Saturday I went to Seward, NE for Concordia's graduation ceremony. Knew something like six people who were graduating. Several go to the same church I've been attending. One was my cousin Dan. Only got a few good pictures (silly camera), but here are the highlights.
Big crowd...and the ceremony ran live on the school's website. Pretty neat. :) |
With my friend, Paige. I'm so jealous she's going to Arizona! |
He's official now. Good job, Dan! |
This is where the graduation party happened - Chez Bubba Cafe on the main street of Goehner, NE. Yes, that's gravel. |
And this is Samson spazing out over the rib bones I collected and brought home from the graduation meal. I think they more than made up for my being gone all day. |
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Working From Home
I wish I could work from home more...well, I could, but then it would probably just be overtime and not "away from the office" time.
I need a career that lets me do my work at home and rarely (if ever) set foot in an office. I like being able to wear cruddy clothes while I work, pet the dog, spill food on myself, have the news on, run a load of laundry or dishes, not have to use a public restroom, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
The job I have right now could almost be done from home. I really would only have to be in the office twice a week - Mondays and either Thursday or Friday. That sounds nice, too, but I don't expect that to be approved any time soon...especially since I might be switching supervisors in the not too distant future.
Questions of who is better suited to be in charge of me and my spoons in several pots have come up and are being discussed. How would a boss in Colorado know whether I'm working at home or in the office downtown? Only if he had spies. But, I was raised to be a better person than that (darn it!).
I suppose I will have to become rich and famous somehow so I can do whatever I want - like work from home.
I need a career that lets me do my work at home and rarely (if ever) set foot in an office. I like being able to wear cruddy clothes while I work, pet the dog, spill food on myself, have the news on, run a load of laundry or dishes, not have to use a public restroom, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
The job I have right now could almost be done from home. I really would only have to be in the office twice a week - Mondays and either Thursday or Friday. That sounds nice, too, but I don't expect that to be approved any time soon...especially since I might be switching supervisors in the not too distant future.
Questions of who is better suited to be in charge of me and my spoons in several pots have come up and are being discussed. How would a boss in Colorado know whether I'm working at home or in the office downtown? Only if he had spies. But, I was raised to be a better person than that (darn it!).
I suppose I will have to become rich and famous somehow so I can do whatever I want - like work from home.
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