So the Bill of Rights says I have the right to exercise my religion as I see fit. Let's define "exercise."
- bodily or mental exertion
- something done as for practice or training
- putting into action, use, operation, or effect
So, what activities exercise my religion? Oh, going to church for sure, studying the Bible, prayer...but is there anything more obscure - something harder on which to put ones finger? Hmm...
- Does spending time pondering my cross collection exercise my religion?
- Does tending to the possessions God has provided for my benefit exercise my religion?
- Does saying "no" to that one more thing so that I have a moment to deal with the struggles He allows for my education and growth exercise my religion?
No. And the list may go on, but they are still an exercise - an exercise of my faith - not my religion. Religion is the denomination of which you are a member - Lutheran, Catholic, Methodist, Non-denom even. Faith is the basic truth you believe to your core. People confuse these far too often and that bothers me. I am a Christian before I am a Lutheran. You "should" do this or that doesn't work for me. I've been at this whole "relationship with God" thing my whole life. I think I have it pretty well figured out and there is no one who can tell me otherwise.
Rant completed.
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