Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Brief update...

...because I'm exhausted!

Census work started with training last week (with the exception of fingerprinting training on the 14th of April). I was chosen to be a "CLA" or "Crew Leader Assistant" - which means I get to collect paperwork, review paperwork, deliver paperwork, review more paperwork, assist the CL ("crew leader") in other ways if necessary such as taking the paperwork to his boss (that's not happened yet, but will next week). Tonight he told me there is an opportunity for overtime if I want to go down to the local office and help clean up forms. Some people don't have good handwriting apparently, and the computer can't read them. He's not sure how long that will be available. We'll see if the schedule allows. The office is open 24/7 he says, so I could do it overnight if I wanted to. Don't expect me to be that crazy! :-p He also said I did a great job and that he told his boss that and that I was a good candidate to be a crew leader if his boss ever asked him to suggest one of us for the position. I don't think I could handle that. CLA-ing is "fun" enough! I have lots of meetings and have my own binder full of addresses to visit. I think there's plenty to keep me out of trouble.

Speaking of having plenty to do, I started my second attempt at that class for my master's project on May 4th (Tuesday). I'm trying not to freak out. The instructor seems to be cool...but she hasn't really helped me yet. I'm getting worried. Hopefully she give me some sort of direction tomorrow. I only have until Monday to get this thing right. Otherwise I'm in the same boat I was last time. I don't like that idea at all!

On top of that, a couple weeks ago after choir I was asked by a couple elders if I would consider taking over (after a "training" period) the music director position at church. I said 'yes' of course. So far we've only managed to meet once. My schedule has been so hectic! Right now I'm just helping her plan music for summer. That is one of the things she wants to give me first. The other is helping other vocalists learn the "contemporary" music so I don't end up leading songs every Sunday (which I almost am now). In fact, I really should check with her one more time to make sure I know which songs I'm leading on which Sundays. I have some things written down, but I'm not sure I trust my notes. Anyway, I'm really excited about it. Yet another example of God putting people where they need to be. It won't be a full-time job, but there will be modest pay involved and it is something I love to do. Eventually I will be directing the choir, but that's a long way off yet, I think. Their biggest problem is finding an accompanist for the contemporary service.

If all that wasn't fun enough, I still have to keep looking for work and dealing with the whold "unemployment" thing every Sunday. Only a couple weeks of that money is left unless they give me another extension.

And, my friend Chris is moving to Nebraska in June...only a few weeks away! Crazy, crazy, crazy!

My linguistics class ends on the 17th with one last test...oh, and a paper. I keep forgetting about the paper.

Choir goes until the end of May and then it's the random quartet and frequent song-leading and random solos for me. Choir will restart in August. Auditions for "Scrooge" are in August. My master's degree should be done in August. I don't know the exact start date, but my next class for my English degree starts at the end of August or beginning of September - not sure which.

...This is going to be a crazy summer...

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