Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I wish I could have seen it! I mean, I was there. It happened to me. I did it. I just wish I could have seen it from the audience's point of view. I wiped out on stage.
I was being chased in the castle and slipped on my own skirts. Fell straight to my knees in my swishy skirts, slid up against the castle wall and then crawled out on all fours with a "torch" in one hand. It was awesome!! I'm told it looked like I did it on purpose (in fact, the director commented at our "cast party" tonight that she wished she'd thought of doing that in the first place). "Lumiere" (a.k.a. Becca) was scared to death it was her fault (our "Lumiere" is played by an amazingly talented young lady dancer) - that she had stepped on my skirts or tripped me. Nope. It was all me and my skirts. My feet came out from under me and my knees took their place. I had too much skirt under me to stand up, so I crawled out instead - doing my funny little squeally-scream thing (that I do every night) all the way. It was hilarious!! Painfully funny, quite literally.
So, I am sitting here with my leg propped up on the desk, a bag of frozen mixed veggies on my knee (the worse of the two anyway - my other knee will just have to deal). My body says, "Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Why are you still awake!?" But, my brain is wired on sugar from soda and cake at the cast party and the excitement of becoming one of only 2 (that I know of) walking wounded from the show (the other's a knee injury as well, believe it or not).
Only one show left. I will miss it when it's gone! :-)

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