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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Friday, July 17, 2009

"Meet me at the Fair"

Golden cupie doll if you can tell me where that quote comes from! ;p
The Madison County Fair was last weekend. Mom and I went in the afternoon of the 11th and then Dad, Mom and I went again that evening when Dad got home from work. This year Mom entered cookies and a picture. I'm thinking I need to somehow become a county resident, because I know I could do that! And what's to lose. Not getting a ribbon? Not getting paid $1.50 for 2nd place? (That might not be the right amount, but you get my point.) Anyway, we had a good time, so, in my usual fashion, I'd like to share some of that good time with everyone.

First a couple to set the mood...

Two of Mom's cookies won ribbons. The Ultimate Chocolate cookie got 3rd place and the Oatmeal Cranberry Orange received a 2nd place ribbon.

There are folks demonstrating their skills/ the woodcarver (note the hand-carved banjo in the back -- pretty cool)!

And there are always different performers. We didn't go to any of the rodeo or concerts, but Mom and I got to see a magician put his assistant in a box, do all sorts of things to the box and then help her back out again.

And, surely, no fair experience is complete without a walk through the livestock barn...

Of course, there are always some things you don't necessarily expect to see.

Like the critter with four horns...

The kids playing a video game inside a DeLorean...

The tiny little house completely wired for electricity, phone and internet...

The camper that is also a horse trailer...

Or the absolutely gigantic combine...

There were normal tractors and old ones, too...

You can't really see it in this picture, but this one has a jar on it (close up next). I decided it was for putting fireflies in so you can see what you're working on at night. I don't remember what dad said it was for...

...but a place to keep your toy tractor isn't what I would have guessed!

Of course, no trip to the fair would be complete without funnel cake!!

Dad and I had some, too, but I think Mom is addicted to the stuff now. :)

Finally, there was the several mile hike to the car...

I can't remember the last time I went to the county fair. It's probably been about 10 years! We had fun!

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