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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy Thursday

I'm so glad the week is practically over...and then I remember what I get to do with my 3-day weekend (we get Monday as a paid holiday).
There's been a lot of layoffs at work. So far it hasn't affected my department, but my co-worker is a little over-achiever and I'm expensive and not able to work my full 40 hours. So, I worry it's only a matter of time. Two people I used to work with in my old department were let go last night and today. Someone else I know was let go last week. I'm sure there are more (60 last Wednesday I was told) but I don't know for sure who or what departments. Makes for a nervous situation around the office.
I'm in my last week of my current class. The next one starts the day after this one's done, so no break this time. We have our final group project due tonight and I'm the one under the gun for turning in the final version. Lucky me I have one who isn't done yet and another who made a crazy typo I can't fix myself -- at least not for sure.
Oh, and how am I going to spend my 3-day weekend? Saturday and Sunday on a liquid diet and Monday having a colonoscopy. Yipee. :/
So, while I wait for other people to finish up I'm watching CSI and eating the pizza that just arrived. Samson is dying for some crust, so I'm going to go spoil my puppy.

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