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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

An Interesting Interview

This was really interesting.  This is not for the liberal among you...if there are any who actually pay attention to me.  Or maybe it is, because it might prove to be food for thought.  And don't assume this means I want to go out and buy a bunch of guns and arm myself and my home.  I just think it's right that my fellow citizens get to arm themselves.  (You know who you are.)  Enjoy!

Saturday, June 4, 2016

A Neat Moment

Some moments make some choices totally worth it.  We had some of those the other day...well, I did...or I recognized the moments even if the girls didn't.

I have these girls in my house who just needed a safe, healthy place to be.  They have families out there and even if they don't say the words to my face, there are definitely "you aren't the mom of me" moments and attitudes.  But the other day I got to overhear being called "foster-mom" and they referred to each other as foster-sisters.

In those brief moments, in their choosing of those words, we were a little family unit and it seemed like maybe, just maybe, my choice to do this wasn't so hair-brained as some might have thought.  I have witnessed transformation in these two girls and hope to see even more.  If  nothing else, at least for a time, I gave them a safe and healthy family.

The Big Project

This Memorial Day and week was busy.  There was a lot to do and luckily I had some awesome help...misadventures and all!

Hey.  At least I mowed.
Before #1
Before #2
Go, Mom, go!
Team work!
In Process
So much better!
And then for something completely fail!

First we discovered the water running under the sink...
Then we discovered it was running into the basement and making it rain.
So we shut off all the water to the house because we couldn't get it to stop and went back to work on the yard.

More of the process
Getting closer!  Almost done!
This part is done!
And this part
Let there be gate!
Finished product!
Putting together a new toy...
Look!  I made fire!
We did some other things here and there, but those are the highlights and the big projects that got finished.  Thanks so much to Dad, Justin, and Mom for being the best helpers/workers ever!  The garden and yard look great and I think Samson is enjoying having the extra space to run.