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Have dog. Will travel.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
He's Bringing Reading Back...
I couldn't believe it when I heard about this. Then I watched the video ( and sat there saying "I remember that episode...and that one...and that one..." Trek fans will love the ending of the video. Those of us who grew up taking a look in a book will be waxing nostalgic for a while after watching this.
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Best cartoon I've seen in a long time!
I have to thank my kid brother for texting me Friday night and telling me about this, suggesting I watch it. Which I did and it was worth it and thensome. I searched for it on YouTube for those of you who don't have Netflix, but I could only find it in pieces. But don't let that stop you from going out onto the web and checking it out. And if you have Netflix, look this up and watch it. It's "Batman: The Brave and the Bold" episode 24. The episode title is "Mayhem of the Music Meister." It's hilarious and incredibly clever. If you are a musician (especially with leanings toward musicals), you'll enjoy this. I laughed so hard and so often. I think if I'm ever feeling grumpy, watching this would totally make me feel better. :)
Friday, May 23, 2014
Take It Easy
So the chiropractor told me no less than twice today that I need to take it easy this weekend...which only served to make me think even more about all the things I want(ed) to do or get done or try to do or try to get done this weekend. Followed those thoughts with one of "What the heck do I do to 'take it easy'?" I keep thinking of chores. Finally my brain wandered around to TV...All the shows are in summer repeats now. I already watched all the season finales. And, of course, hundreds of channels and I couldn't find anything to watch. So I turned to my trusty Netfilx. I watched some foreign film on DVD that's been sitting around waiting for me to have two hours to kill. It was...different. Probably would have been better if I didn't understand just enough Spanish to know that the subtitles were not very exact in sometimes entire sentences were missing. Oy. I think I will peruse my list for something interesting to watch online from bed now.
...Will that have been enough taking it easy that I can do all sorts of chores and yard work tomorrow? Don't want this easy taking thing to go to my head. I'll get used to it, my yard will go to the weeds, the garden to the squirrels, and I will end up living in squalor...hahahahahaha Right.
...But it is tempting to come to a full stop for a whole weekend...
Friday, May 16, 2014
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
Garden Update
The bunny carcasses (of which there were five in the end...I won't go into details because it's yucky) have gone the way of burial at compost heap. I followed that up with putting a bag of near mud (formerly a normal bag of garden soil) in a garden box and finishing planting the last of the tomatoes, and planted my green pepper plant. All that's left to plant in that box are potatoes. Once that's done, what remains will be the berry box which is half done right now. Can't do things the easy way. Probably should have changed clothes before I did all that work this evening, but at least it's done.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Weekend Storm Casualties
Well, I don't have baby bunnies in my garden ones anyway. I've counted four dead baby bunnies. One was on the ground outside the garden box. Two were just outside the hole and one is still in the hole. They were fine when I left for the farm on Friday and they were dead Monday morning when I went out back to see what damage the Sunday storms had done. Since Samson was with me the whole time, I know he didn't have a "paw" in it. I'm guessing the deluge Sunday was filling their nest and they tried to escape but couldn't survive the weather anymore outside than inside it. I feel a little guilty for wishing they were gone (and suggesting stew meat). I'm also a fair bit grossed out and not sure what to do with the corpses. I need to take care of it soon, though, before Samson finds the one outside the garden box and before there are other vermin or varmint in my garden because of them. Yuck! *shudder*
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Foster Care Awareness Month
May is Foster Care Awareness Month. Lutheran Family Services has provided yard signs for those who would like to put them out for the month. They dropped off several at my house today. I still have a couple left if anyone's interested.
It's Garden Time!
I way overdid it physically this last weekend. Bags of garden soil, plants, yard body is angry, but the edges are trimmed, a friend mowed the majority of the yard, and the garden is started...I'd call that worth the effort. I'm a little worried about the plants that aren't in the ground yet as it storms, but most of the garden is set as of this afternoon in the 98-degree temperature. Just potatoes, one tomato plant, the pepper plant, and a blueberry bush left to go...and I might plant some spinach yet, too...maybe some more strawberries...okay, so maybe there's more to do than I thought. But there are strawberries planted and blossoming. The onions and carrots and zucchinis are in and most of the tomato plants are in the ground. I'm looking forward to this year's garden. As Mom described, I have soup or stew planted in my garden. All I need to add is meat...Actually...
I'm not that vicious, really. They are cute, but they are in the way! I still have a pepper and a tomato plant to put in that box and these baby bunnies are quite in the way.
Hello, Thunderstorm.
Oh dear! Poor Samson. We just had a huge crack of thunder. He popped up off the floor and started barking like crazy at the front door. Not sure who he thought could knock on a door that way, but he wanted that sound-maker to know there was a big dog on guard here. Sounds like some heavy drops out there now...maybe even some hail, and the sky is a very different color now from when I got home. 'Tis the season! Samson better save his voice.
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