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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Race Was On

It's supposed to storm this weekend - 50% or something like that for a chance of storms...It was supposed to start this afternoon.  I was lucky it didn't.  I must not have been the only person feeling that way.  This afternoon (a fair time later than I'd hoped), as I was outside mowing the yard, running errands, then trimming edges here, there and everywhere around the yard, and finally working on the garden, I could hear other mowers and other weed eaters running as far as the ear could hear or the eye could see (or the nose smell...until allergies were too aggravated to permit the use of that sense).  The sights and sounds of yard work were everywhere this afternoon and evening.  It was as if everyone arrived home from work for the potentially wet holiday weekend with an extreme sense of urgency and unleashed it on their yards with great enthusiasm...or at least energy.  I think we all worked until dark...or maybe until dinner.  Either way, I do believe that if it does not storm tonight and/or tomorrow, there will be many very tired, somewhat disappointed folks around my neighborhood - and I will be one of them.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

You expect me to do what? How?

So, I have now had two medical professionals flat out tell me I need to make a change - actively find a way to reduce stress.  Counselor wants me to take more time off work.  Chiropractor says I need to reduce my stress at work...and if my shoulder doesn't start getting better I will need to do physical therapy.  Oh goody.  And how exactly am I supposed to reduce my stress?
Well, first my boss and I are working out who my backups are for different things I do.  I took a day and a half off...and have been paying for it dearly.  Still trying to catch up with everything.  I might have caught up with most of last week today.
The idea is that with stress reduced I'll sleep better and if I sleep better, I'll stress less, and around and around she goes.  And where she stops?  I guess we'll find out.

Friday, May 3, 2013

I've looked everywhere for this!

I thought I'd never see this again!

I have had it in my memory from only God knows how long ago.  I'm so bizarrely excited to have found it.  Cracks me up as much today as it did so, so, so many years ago.

A Good Movie

Just finished watching a movie that was very good and was based on actual events about which I had never heard, which makes me wonder if it just wasn't in our World History books or if I just missed it (after all it was many, many years ago, so the chances of my remembering are pretty slim).  Unless you speak Polish, you will need to turn on your English subtitles, but it's worth it.  The movie was "Katyn."  It's not new (2007).  But it's good.  I cried a couple times.  If World War II interests you, this one's a must.  In fact, whether you are fascinated by World War II or not, it's still worth watching.