Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Monday, March 26, 2012

How to inadvertently annoy a cranky co-worker...

...especially when you are unaware of her crankiness or the level thereof.

1.  Make a random, non-critical observation about a projector screen the person is using.
2. Take off your dressy sandals because they gave you blisters.
3. Make a smart-*ss comment when she condescendingly says "there you go" to your putting on the ugly flip-flops you wore for the drive and walk to work.

Okay.  So that last one is not so inadvertent.  I'm sorry, but what woman likes having someone all but say her feet are "gross"?  Not this one!  (P.S. We're not talking big ugly blisters here.  Little ones you'd only notice if you looked for them...and you wouldn't see them from all the way down the hall!)
"If you can't be kind, at least have the decency to be vague."  I don't think she's read that quote.  I also don't care what has her panties in a bunch.  There's no excuse for being rude and snippy at your co-workers.

There.  I've vented.  Now I can clock back in from lunch and go about my day.  :-p

Friday, March 23, 2012

I love tomatoes!

I can't wait to plant these!  :)

Cherry tomato on the left.  Two Ruetgers on the right.  Yummy!

Little kids are so cute!

Nikki had a program at school today.  "Friends of the World."  She was in the group representing Africa.

Doing the actions

Cool!  A rainstick!

I wish the video wasn't too large a file so it would load here.  Too cute!  :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Creepiest worm ever!!!

And it was still making its way out of the dirt when I took this picture!  I moved some greenery to get a better look and that scared it, so it back-peddled in the direction from which it had come and disappeared.  I swear I can see it moving in this picture!  *shudder*

Have tools. Will play in the mud.

The "have tools" part...

The "play in the mud" part...

I was doing pretty well, too...until I found a nest of baby bunnies - bunnies so tiny they looked like mice!  (You can't see it in the picture, but you may have guessed the nest is in the untouched part of the bed.)  I felt guilty for raking leaves and mama rabbit fur off of them, so I did my best to tuck them back in and decided to go do something else instead work on the flowerbeds.

Another project last weekend...

Cleaned up the flowerbed in front of the house...or tried.  The people who last lived here did all sorts of things to make it incredibly difficult to change anything they did.

Poor tired flowerbed full of leaves, really dead mulch, and viney death!

No more viney death on the rose bushes and no more leaves.  Ready to replace the mulch with fresh stuff.

Maybe not too evident that anything has changed (or changed much), but I promise if you saw it in person before and after, it does look better now.  :)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

When I'm not working on the yard...

...I'm hanging a curtain on the back door.  Anyone recognize the material?  :-)

Yard Project

So I started a little project in the back yard some time ago and jumped on it a bit more yesterday...which left me sore, but it's good exercise, so I guess it's worth it.  ;-)  The brick path cutting across the backyard had become a bit wonky over the course of its life with some bricks sticking up higher than those around it, parts overgrown with weeds, etc.  So...

Before...though I had already started a while ago.

In process.

Still in process, but you can see how much I was able to do.

I think it's not quite half done, but if the weather stays nice, I hope to get it finished soon and then maybe can focus on getting some more work done to help it be a better yard...all it can be!  :)

Stupid computer!

So frustrated with this computer!  It doesn't read the discs for installing my new USB broadband modem or my new printer.  And I can't find the drivers online to download so I can skip the disc thing.  I just want it to work!  :(

Sunday, March 4, 2012


My friend Chris' birthday was February 28th.  We went to Olive Garden for dinner to celebrate and then had ice cream cake at Justin's house.  (Told you guys I would post the restaurant photo! ;-))

Starting on the left and going around the table: Sandra, Branden, Kim, Chris, Corrine, Michelle, Ben.

Kids help Chris with his presents and ice cream cake.  (Left around the table: Nikki, Jon, Sammy, Chris, Ivy, Sandra's arms.)