Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas as it happens!

More or less...

Sunday, the 18th at Lord of Life...

Sunday School kids singing during church

Making Christmas ornaments

Making Christmas cookies

And now the celebrating moves to the farm...
December 23rd...

Practicing for Christmas Eve

Helping Grandma make cookies

Cookie making is serious business!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Something cool...

This was just too neat not to share.  This giant icicle is hanging from the corner of my garage roof.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dining Room - After (mostly)

The dining room is essentially done.  Of course the tree wouldn't normally be there.  Really all I need for the dining room now is a real dining room table.  The card table doesn't really go with the built in.  :-p

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

What are you thankful for?

Nikki and Ivy are thankful for paper dolls.

My cousin Keli, my sister Sandra, and I are thankful for wine.  ;-)

What girls aren't thankful for Barbies?
(And what grandmas aren't thankful for photo ops?)

Even my cousin Dan is thankful for Barbies!  ;-p

Friday, November 11, 2011

I don't know why...

...but I seem to have a thing against vining plants.  This is also from shortly after I moved in.

Die, evil vine thing!  Die!

Speaking of yard work...

Also from when I first moved in.  All sorts of help with the yard!  :)

Trisha cleans up the raised garden beds.

Here, Dad!  I found a brick!

Ivy's going to help her Grandma hunt black walnuts.

Dad is an ax-wielding machine!

Living room in process...

These are actually from when I first moved in, so that's been over a month!  :)

Bark! Bark!

Not sure what was back there worth barking at, but it must have been something pretty exciting for it to need standing in the big pile of leaves and vines.

Yard work

What better way to spend a gov't paid holiday home from work than by the yard!  I raked leaves, tore down and up more evil vine stuff, and started taking out the wobbly brick path through the middle of the backyard.  I also swept out the garage as I will likely want to use it when the weather finally turns.

Those loving siblings of mine who thought I was too wussy for hard labor...this picture is for them.  ;-p

Mom! I see the garbage man!!


Even grown-ups can dress up for Halloween.  :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bedroom - In Process

Go away dark, dark blue!

Office - BEFORE

Worse than one solid navy-ish blue wall, who paints an entire room orange?!  When the sun comes in, it looks like one is standing inside a carved pumpkin with the candle lit!

Bedroom - BEFORE

Who paints a wall that color?!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

just a little info

So, I have been in the house for 3 weeks now and there has been a lot to do...and it's not over yet.  I'm still unpacking and there are still walls needing paint (painting pictures yet to come).  I seem to have figured out the "I can paint the walls" part of having a house.  But I can't seem to get to the "it's okay to vacuum at midnight" or "the dog can go out whenever he asks and doesn't need to be on a leash" or the "I have time" and "it's not a lease, it's a mortgage" part of all of this.  I should figure that out soon enough, I suppose.  Just takes some getting used to.

It is a very quiet neighborhood.  There's little more sound than the guy across the street obsessively blowing the leaves out of his driveway, and the patter of squirrels running across the roof and the dropping of black walnuts.

The ducts/vents have been cleaned.  The blinds are up in all but one room.  Half the upstairs has been painted.  The roof is done.  The electrical is updated.  And the random sink is downstairs next to the random toilet - the starts of a second bathroom.  However, there's very little unpacked.  I think I aught to be making that more of a least in the parts of the house that are painted already.  :-)

My little cards with the new address will be sent to you as soon as they come to me!

Moving Day

Mom says, "I claim this spot for an SUV!"

Justin says, "I like helping my sister move!"

Action shot: Moving the Washing Machine

Inside the house - BEFORE

The neighbors...

It's house picture time!

I'll start with a before picture of the

Thursday, September 8, 2011


Samson is doing much better. All the creepy stitches are gone so now we're just watching the fuzz grow back and hoping he doesn't end up with a funky bald spot around his scars...because that would add just too much character, I think.
Earlier this evening I had my last pre-scheduled appointment from the original treatment plan with the chiropractor. Found out I have a credit on my account with them, too, so now that I've switched to having an appointment every 6 weeks rather than every 30 days, my appointments will be free for a while. The goal is to eventually spread out the appointments so they are 2+ months apart. Sounds good to me!
Been having trouble with my right arm. Sometimes it's shoulder to fingertips and sometimes it's just right around the elbow. My doctor has me trying Celebrex to reduce the inflammation and a tennis elbow wrap to support the muscles and give them a chance to relax. The Celebrex might be helping, so continuing that. Not so sure about the wrap, but I'll keep wearing it at work and that sort of thing. Maybe it does help and I just don't realize it yet.
Meanwhile, working on getting myself out of this apartment. Packing and eating off paper and plastic. Good times!
Speaking of good times, I'm going to eat a cookie and try to relax for a bit before bedtime.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Samson's booboo

This picture was taken when I got to the farm Friday (the 5th). His wound was 5 days old at this point. It doesn't look quite as gruesome now, but it's still not pretty.

Already in the second half of August?!

It just can't be this late in the year already. Only 2 weeks from Labor Day. Wow.
Went to Denver for a conference and was able to catch up with a few folks which was awesome! The conference could have been worse. The rooms were freezing! But, isn't that always the way it is?
Samson got a serious booboo the night before I left. Apparently he was tearing through the yard (at the farm) at 100 miles per hour and took a turn too tight - ripped himself open on the edge of a fence panel. He managed to bend the panel and tip the post a little. He must really have been going fast. He had to get a lot of stitches and is lucky to be alive. He was totally acting like himself by the time I got back to the farm almost a week later. He still has ugly blue stitches all over his side (must be real heavy duty since they are still there after the 2 weeks they supposedly would last), and a bald-ish patch that is still growing back hair. I suspect he's going to have a funky scar for the rest of his life. I guess it just adds to his character - makes him look tough or something.
I have been packing. Slowly but surely I am getting ready to move to Lincoln. Still working on house stuff, but come hell or high water, I am moving in September whether to a house or an apartment. I definitely will let you know when I know.
I know that it is getting late and I still need to eat and relax (today was incredibly stressful). So my sad attempt at getting this up to date will have to be what it is. Someday I will have more extra minutes to write here more often...but I think I say that a lot and it has yet to happen.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Update *warning - health content goes into detail

I will try to be brief as I am actually working from home right now and am supposed to be recovering, not sitting up and leaning forward to reach computers. (Yes, plural. One for work and one for play - so to speak.)
Recovering from what?
A "diagnostic laparoscopy." I get to thank my mother's side of the family for the endometriosis the doctor found. Where the veins (like varicose veins) on my pelvis, adhesions attaching my uterus to my bowel and softer-than-it-should-be uterus were inherited from, I'm not as sure. My follow-up appointment is next Thursday. I'll know more then about how all this affects me. I do know they "fixed" what could be (albeit temporary fixes, I'm sure). The doctor seemed almost surprised to find I had been right to insist on checking. An expensive venture, but I'm glad to finally know what's going on.
The surgery was Friday. Mom came Thursday night and stayed until mid-afternoon Sunday. What a huge help! Sandra came over the weekend, too and took over where Mom left off. She's been here every night since and has also been a great help. She has been great taking care of Samson for me and doing things around the apartment!
Speaking of the apartment...
I am shopping for a house in Lincoln. I put an offer on one, but didn't get it (someone else made a better offer). I'm going to see another one tomorrow about noon. Dad will be meeting my realtor and I there to give his expert opinion on 100+ year old houses. He should know. I'm so glad he's able to come look. I know a lot of things, but this is one area where others are far more knowledgeable. His viewpoint will be priceless.
The one I'm seeing tomorrow is a "short sale" and is being sold "as is" which means the seller's bank has to approve any offer and the chances of getting anything fixed by the seller is practically null (less anything an inspector might find that is required to be fixed). So, if I did make an offer, I could be competing with other offers and the amount of time it takes for a response to the offer is 100% up in the air. I received my lease renewal notice and it is up on July 31. Month-to-month is $100 extra and they "require" 30-days notice of move out date. Yuck. Not a situation to be in, but I don't really have a choice other than to rent in Lincoln, which I'd rather not do.
Other things I'd rather not do, but had to do anyway...
My thesis has been put off again. Hopefully (though I'm not holding my breath anymore) I can do it in the fall, but that would also be right about moving time or shortly thereafter. Er money.
...or have to do anyway...
Dentist. Switched dentist because something just wasn't right with the one I was going to. She acted like my teeth were going to fall out of my head, said I needed 5 new fillings, and that I needed to deep clean my gums every day. I was practically on a liquid diet because of that direction. So I decided to go to the University of Nebraska's dental school patient program instead. They say my gums are fine and I only need 2 fillings. Very different! Getting the cleaning next week and the fillings done the week after. And it was pretty cool helping out the college, though I could do without the 3-4 hour appointments.
I need to call my insurance company and find out when they will start reimbursing me for chiropractor appointments. I think my deductible has been met, but they seem confused...but I guess it could be me.
I think that sums it up. I need to find ways to save money for a house downpayment (if I ever get that far). All the driving doesn't help, but sitting in the dark as much as possible and running the A/C as little as possible might. Probably have to lose the cable TV I love. This is all so much fun! ;-p
Oh! And my boss just congratulated me on my 1 year anniversary there. Wowsers! Has it been that long already? It has gone by super fast!

Monday, May 2, 2011

New Technology

Now this is different. I'm writing this on my new phone. It's been somewhat rough as all the features don't quit all work the same as I'd expect them to or they do elsewhere, but it's still pretty neat. Still easier on the computer though. :)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Right This Minute

Fast update of what's up in my life as of right this minute... Doctor appointments over the next 2 weeks to figure out why I can't get rid of the headaches and earaches I've been having since sometime in February...and one to schedule a laproscopy to check for endometriosis (this is a "short" update or I'd take time to explain all that - look it up). Getting the taxes done (finally!) on Tuesday. God willing it's a healthy return so I can pay medical bills. Speaking of bills and the like, finances are tighter than I'd like. Gas prices are rough on an hour-each-way-commute. My boss (and her boss) were kind and awesome enough to let me work from home every Wednesday during Lent to help cut down the amount of expense and strain on the finances and body from driving all over the place. It has helped. Instead of stopping at the the gas station 3 times a week, I stop twice. Also, having a day without the drive gives my body a breather from all the time spent in the car. But! I can't keep begging to work from home and I can't keep driving an hour each way every day, so...something's gotta' give. Either I move to Lincoln so I'm closer to work, or I find a new job altogether. Therein lies the rub. I know I need to move. I just don't know where, so I'm leaving it up to God. Either He'll show me a place in Lincoln that will be just right, or He'll show me a job (here it comes) in Arizona that will be just right. There. I said it. It's Lincoln or Arizona. This Winter kicked my butt big time. I had more pain than I had in probably three years. If I could find a job that would let me be a snowbird I'd be all over that! The internet isn't doing it for me, so everyone keep their eyes and ears open for opportunities and/or places with yards and fences (I'm done with apartment buildings - need to be able to let Samson run in a yard). I'm supposed to start my thesis over again (had to drop it back in February) this summer. Waiting to see what the damage will be from the medical bills and how much of a tax return I'm getting before I register again. I may have to choose between paying bills and finishing my degree...and that sucks. Started a new health program through work and already am ignoring it. Apparently, no one who does this has to get up before dawn to get ready for work and drive forever, therefore they have time to do all sorts of exercising and making fancy breakfasts. Participants must also be able to buy expensive, albeit healthy foods...and not be gluten and lactose sensitive/intolerant. Hmmm...well, at least it gives me some ideas and you can contact a professional dietitian or trainer to ask questions and get suggestions. And, it makes me think about what I'm doing (or not doing) exercise and diet-wise. No theater until fall (depending on all the above situations), but singing in church is plenty enough for now as we get ready for Holy Week; and I sing every Sunday with the praise team for the contemporary service. Also trying to get some projects taken care of that have been on my to-do list for ages (such as putting photos in an album - August of 2009!? Really!?) and maybe even catch my breath a little. Okay. It's time to shut the patio door and office window. The breeze is getting too cold now that the sun has gone down. I should eat some dinner, too. I wonder if there are any good movies on tonight...


Ugh! I'm horrible at keeping this thing up-to-date anymore. I try to do better, but it just isn't working. Anyway... The reason I logged on this time was to add a picture for "Oklahoma!" (which closed the first weekend in March). I hope it looks alright on your computers. Scott (fellow cast member) did a great job putting it together. :)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Busy - busy.

Have today off because the government has the day off (MLK Day). Totally needed the day off to try to chill out and relax and maybe even get some things done.
So far I've walked the dog and checked a couple emails (personal and work ones, too). Really should get motivated here...soon. I have just a tiny bit of laundry to finish and a couple pans to wash. Vacuuming would be a good thing to get done, too. This "Mythbusters" marathon sucked me in!