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Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Grandma Haack's 90th Birthday

Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Halloween 2010

We had the whole family plus friends out trick-or-treating this Halloween...and most of us were dressed up, too - even the grown ups! Here are just a couple pictures.

The cutest Dorothy and little pirate ever! :-)

Nikki and Ivy were given candy from a cute little dinosaur. Lots of adorableness on one front stoop!
(P.S. It's difficult to tell, but I'm dressed as a black cat with a white face and paws.)

Graduation Party Pictures

Enjoy these pictures from my graduation party. And, for some of you, this is the first view you've received of my apartment

My first guest was a theater budy, Scott.

Here's a wide shot of several guests including more pals from the theater, Whitney and Cheyenne. My friend Susan (a.k.a. Dr. Wood) from Midland and Charles were able to come celebrate with me. Also here are the usual suspects, Trisha, Nikki and Ivy, Sandra, parts of Mom and Dad and my pup, Samson.

I was also happy to see friends from my youth in Madison. Here's Karen hanging out chatting with me.

There are so many more pictures! It was really difficult to choose which ones to post!

Update from that November post...

Hmm...what all did I mention...

My second to last paper got an "A." It was the only one to do so and was on the historicity of the Bible, so it was a topic I already know a lot about and about which I am quite passionate. If any of the papers were to get an "A" (and if any of them it would have devastated me more to get anything less) it was that one. Now we are revising a previous paper and that is due today. I haven't done much with it. They were all "B" papers, so it was more about which topic I wanted to work on again than which grade needed help. Not sure how much it would help my grade to bump this one up to an "A," but I guess we'll see. (P.S. If anyone wants to read that paper on the historicity of the Bible, I'd be happy to send it to you.)

The show closed on Sunday. I miss it already. We had a really good last show. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. The next show is "Oklahoma" and I'm crazy enough that I'm going to do that one, too. Auditions are January 2. Then we have about a month and a half worth of rehearsals. Shows are the last weekend of February and first weekend in March, so mark your calendars! :-)

I had a sleep study last night-this morning. That was exciting...or something. I have crap in my hair from them sticking things to my head. I slept okay with the exception of waking up once (that I'm aware of) and the room being cold. I am anxious to find out about the results. I wish/hope I can get the doctor to show me the actual scans/pictures as I'm very curious by nature and love to learn new things. If the doctor's office doesn't call me sooner, I should find out at the end of January...I hope they call me before that just because the suspense will kill me!

I decided to post separate posts with pictures from different events, etc...coming soon to a blog near you! :-p

Look! Up in the sky!

It's a bird!

No. Really. It is a bird. A pretty nifty one, too, and quite unexpected.

Now, many of you know that birds and I are not pals. They will even go so far as kamikaze-ing my car. This one, if it had actually had that in mind, would certainly have done some damage.

I was driving home from class one afternoon a couple weeks ago. I saw a large bird swoop across the highway in front of a pickup truck that was down the road ahead of me a bit. The bird banked, and as I came along, it began to swoop across in front of me, at which time I realized what it was. The unmistakable white on the tail feathers and white head on this large brown bird - a white seemingly too white for anything that lives outdoors - I was looking at a bald eagle. No sooner did I realize this than it was gone. I tried craning my neck to see where it went and driving at the same time, but decided this was not wise and instead called my mother (I used my hands-free set - much safer) to tell her what had just happened.

I still can hardly believe I saw a bald eagle. Mom assures me it is possible. I want to drive back out there and look for the nest, maybe see the eagle again...but after the weather we just had, if I were that bird, I would have packed up and headed for warmer territory by now.