Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Very, very briefly...

Party Saturday to celebrate finishing my master's degree. Lots to do to get ready (which is why I shouldn't even be taking the time to do this, but I hadn't written for a while...anyway...)
Received an email today that the official document is in the mail and should be here next week. Too bad I didn't have it in time for the party, but I'll live.
Rehearsals for "Scrooge" begin on 6. :-) I have been listening to the muisc while I drive to work, so it is stuck in my head and making me nuts already.
So far so good with my writing class. Two papers out of six are done.
Work is stressful. The drive is killing me. But the people there are awesome and I can work from home on days when I have doctor's appointments and things of that nature which helps, too.
Choir sings almost every Sunday. I sang a duet with Diane, Pastor's wife. It went really well. She has a lovely voice and we blend nicely. We are under orders by members of the congregation to sing together again. I think it can be arranged. :-)

Really better go work on cleaning and putting things away. Time and energy are very limited...especially since I should get to bed in the next hour or two.