Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!

Get Up-To-Date with My Life Here!
Have dog. Will travel.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Al died today. I've been told there wasn't anything more anyone could have done.

I was supposed to bring him home yesterday, but he was completely not himself and his breathing was labored. Mom talked to the vet and the vet said it sounded like pneumonia and she should just keep giving him the antibiotic as long as he would let her give it to him. Of course this meant I couldn't bring him back to Omaha, so Mom cared for him. She said he seemed to be getting better over the course of the day. This morning (Monday) she went downstairs to get some clothes and he seemed the same as Sunday night, but by the time she came back upstairs he had died.

I don't care if everyone says nothing could be done. I still feel guilty - guilty I wasn't there and guilty I couldn't do anything. :(

My friend Chris came and cleared out all the cat stuff for me while I was babysitting Nikki and Ivy tonight (Justin and Trisha were at the hospital as the baby miscarried today - yes, today royally sucked). That was one thing I'm not sure I'd have handled well at all.

To say my heart is broken would be putting it mildly. That crazy cat got me through some of the roughest times! He has been my baby for over six years...had...had been...I hate this.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Long Overdue Update...

A brief and very long overdue update as it is time for dinner and Mom is "yoohoo-ing" at me from the kitchen.

I got an apartment quite suddenly on July 18. It was move-in ready and had almost everything I was looking for. I had to buy my own washer and dryer, but at least I have the kind I like. It is on the first floor and I'm close to the parking and my garage. I would share my address, but it occurred to me that this is the internet and that would be sorta' stupid. But this is the floorplan...

Samson is still adjusting and Al is enjoying the freedom to move around the whole place.

Speaking of Al, he got a booboo on his tail when we moved (don't know how). It wasn't healing, so the vet had to take about an inch and a half of his tail off! No more cute little kink at the end. :-( He was pretty mad at everyone and finally started purring for me again today. He's been recuperating at the farm. I will be taking him back to Omaha with me tomorrow.

Work has been stressful...long story.

My master's degree is almost complete. I have just 3 days left of class! About a week later my final grade will be posted. Then there's some sort of review and that's it. Fair warning: I am planning an open house to celebrate. I'll let you know more when I figure out the details. :-)

I start my last "real" class at Midland for my English BA on Thursday. I should be doing my thesis in the Spring, which means that degree will be done next May.

Auditions for "Scrooge: The Musical" are tomorrow night. I'll keep you posted on that, too. Hopefully I will manage to do that before the show runs in December! ;-)

Let me think if there is anything else...not that I can think of. Sorry I've been so bad about writing here. Been so busy it seems!